SFArtsED seeks to place professional artists in residencies throughout San Francisco’s public schools. Residencies range from one day a week to multiple days and/or multiple school sites, as well a variety of grade levels. Schedules vary depending on services contracted by individual school sites and instructional times (between 8am-4pm).

Position Details
residencies are in SFUSD schools
classes are 45-50 instructional minutes
job type: part time/per class compensation
Current Artist-in-Residence Opportunities
Theater instruction for grades K-5 (residency lengths vary). Artist mentor will teach up to four classes per day, across multiple grade levels. Artist designed curriculum includes, but is not limited to, physical movement, theater games and improv, script-writing, character development, and more. Artist coordinates with school staff to identify performance opportunities and/or to work towards an informal showcase at the conclusion of the residency .
Artist pay rates range from $55-$60 per 50-minute class. Rate of pay is determined by prior experience and, in some cases, discipline being taught.
Some school residencies include compensation for artist-teacher collaboration meetings ($50 flat rate) or attendance at out-of-school performances ($75 per event).
About SFArtsED
The San Francisco Arts Education Project was founded in 1968, and for fifty-plus years has stayed true to its mission: to enrich the lives of children by facilitating hands-on participation in the visual and performing arts—taught by practicing artists. Today, with dozens of visual and performing artists mentoring children in more than twenty public schools under the auspices of SFArtsED, the artist-in-residency program remains the cornerstone of our organization.
Our nationally recognized program is designed to enhance the San Francisco Unified School District’s own Visual Arts and Performing Arts standards, and to support its mission to “revitalize the education of our young citizens by capturing the diverse cultural and artistic energy of a city that is internationally renowned for its love of the arts.” At SFArtsED, we believe that children at all schools and at every economic level deserve to reap the benefits of a rich, hands-on arts education.
Artists hired for an AIR position are expected to:
Submit a residency proposal that outlines clear objectives and measurable outcomes
Draw on their own personal and professional experience as part of their instruction
Incorporate a variety of teaching methods to engage students and build community
Communicate with school staff regarding support for student learning differences and instructional practices that are culturally appropriate
Work in a variety of physical settings (classroom, gym, auditorium, cafeteria, etc)
Uphold and support school and classroom behavior expectations as they relate to student safety, mutual respect, and cooperative learning
Create a learning environment where all students are heard, contributions (both individual and group) are valued, and artistic expression is cultivated
Teaching skills and prior experience should include, but are not limited to:
Experience working with children ages 5-14, or any subset thereof
Familiarity with the California State Visual & Performing Arts Standards
Integration of academic curriculum where possible and appropriate
Excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills to support interaction with students, school staff and SFArtsED administrators
Strong classroom management skills and strategies
Ability to create cumulative arts experiences that are developmentally and culturally appropriate across multiple grade levels
Ability to work towards a performance or showcase if expected by school site
Promote critical thinking as it relates to the arts
Scaffolding of arts experiences by sharing artist’s own professional work or that of others in their discipline
Other expectations:
Clearly communicate teaching availability (days, times, months)
Provide own transportation to and from campuses across San Francisco
Acquire and prep any necessary teaching materials (reimbursement is provided for consumable materials)
Ability to be mobile for extended periods of time and capable of moving any teaching materials
Application Process
Interested applicants should submit a resume, along with links to online portfolios or websites, directly to: [email protected]
SFArtsED supports workforce diversity and will consider all applicants regardless of their race, ethnicity, culture, gender, age, sexual orientation, or ability. We believe our artists represent the values of SFArtsED in regards to inclusion, cultural responsiveness, equity, and diversity during all interactions with students and school communities.