We are thrilled to announce that applications are now open for the first ArtCare Arts Learning Achievement Award.
Thank you to ArtCare for providing this opportunity to celebrate the magic that happens when teaching artists get into a classroom. You can nominate your own project or the project of a teaching artist you admire or work with.

OVERVIEW ArtCare: The Friends of the San Francisco Arts Commission is launching the ArtCare Arts Learning Achievement Award to recognize exemplary arts education projects serving Pre-K to 12th Grade students in school or community settings. The goal of the award is to acknowledge and honor arts and culture partnerships between nonprofit organizations, schools and teaching artists, often under-recognized for their contributions to youth development and education.
Exemplary programs ● are built on strong partnerships, ● advance an equity framework, and ● demonstrate strong learning outcomes.
The award amount is $2,500. Of that total amount, $1,500 will support the arts education project’s expenses and $1,000 will be awarded to the lead artist/s. The award will be announced at the next San Francisco Arts Education Resource Fair on Wednesday, January 29, 2020, at the Asian Art Museum. (This is an annual event of the Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area held in partnership with the San Francisco Unified School District and the San Francisco Arts Commission.)
ARTCARE MISSION ArtCare supports the work of the San Francisco Arts Commission, enriching cultural life in our city that is renowned for its artistic vitality, innovation, opportunity and inclusiveness. ArtCare works in conjunction with the Mayor, the Director of Cultural Affairs and the Arts Commissioners to ensure that art is valued and creativity thrives. In addition to the care and conservation of San Francisco’s Civic Art Collection, ArtCare’s priorities also include advocating for and supporting high-quality arts learning for every student in the San Francisco Unified School District.
AWARD ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Nominated arts education projects must have taken place between September 2017 and August 2019. The award is only open to San Francisco-based arts learning projects. They may be school classroom-based or community-based.
Membership in the Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area (AEABA) is not required. Partnering nonprofit organizations should have arts education as part of their mission statement. Applicants may self-nominate or be nominated by others. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Responses to questions that exceed the stated character limits will deem the application ineligible.
Application deadline: 5 PM, Sunday, December 1, 2019
EVALUATION AND PROPOSAL REVIEW CRITERIA Proposals will be scored based on the following criteria: 1) Strong Partnerships with a demonstrated breadth and depth of the relationship among all partners working together at a school or community site. 2) Cultural and Racial Equity Objectives should foster creative expression deeply rooted in and reflective of marginalized communities. 3) Learning Outcomes should be stated clearly, and may include building knowledge of particular visual and performing art forms, building healthy relationships and healthy spaces, community enrichment, etc. PLEASE NOTE: ArtCare does not have the staff capacity to promptly answer questions about this application. If you do have questions, send them to [email protected] and responses will be sent out once a week in aggregate to all who submitted questions.