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The Teaching Artist Think Tank (TATT) is a convening BY teaching artists FOR teaching artists. Hosted by the Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area (AEABA) in partnership with the Teaching Artist Guild  (TAG), TATT holds an ongoing space for Teaching Artists to share resources and practices in this transformative time. We aim to collectively support each other and strengthen our community of Bay Area teaching artists. TATT is co-facilitated and co-created primarily by teaching artists of color and is a safe space which centers Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) and other historically marginalized identities.


See the Upcoming AEABA Events for the next TATT convening!






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Rachel-Anne Palacios has made a name for herself in the Bay Area art world. A self-taught, multicultural artist, her pieces reflect the respect she has for culture, religion, traditional values, elders, and the cycle of life and death. Palacios grew up amongst Oakland's cultural diversity in the San Antonio neighborhood. She is now sharing her cultural arts education programming with Schools in Oakland and a number of city and county libraries throughout the Bay Area.



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Originally from Oakland, CA, Mika Lemoine has spent the last decade as the artistic director of the Destiny Junior Company and a mentor teaching artist at Destiny Arts Center. She is the co-founder and a principal dancer in See Through Soul, an Oakland grown Street Dance company. mika collaboratively holds space for young people to build community and leadership through participating in Hip-Hop and Street Dance while paying homage to their lineage and social context. She collaboratively holds space for adults to learn together about Creative Youth Development and antiracism work. She believes that creative expression is vital to social change and being human.


Nichole Talbott is a life long educator who values the process of learning through the arts. Investing the last decade to working in the Arts through schools and nonprofit programming.  Most recently venturing into small business ownership. Nichole runs an arts services business Asé Arts. Focused on building community through the Arts, by providing high quality art experiences through classes, workshops, and events. Asé Arts utilizes the arts as a catalyst to provoke the thought, conversation, and change.  

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